Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I love helping young scholars unlock their true potential. That "lightbulb" moment is worth all of the effort. I like to engage minds using problem-based learning:

image courtesy of (copyrighted material)

I encourage what I call "Embracing the Struggle." Sometimes, we do our best work when we start backward (from the problem) and work our way towards the solution. I have found that it is a great way to incorporate the concept of scientific inquiry and how to walk through the scientific process. Traditional learning has its place. I believe that problem-based learning, once mastered, is a multi-disciplinary tool that can be used across subjects. Once you understand how to work a problem backwards, you can apply the same strategy to anything. 

What strategies have you found useful in your studies? When you are instructing? 

Does your scholar need help with STEM-related topics? You can book me locally in person or online for distance learning at Frog Tutoring. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fun Times with Science!
Do you know the difference between fluorescence and bioluminescence?
Fluorescence is when light is absorbed first, then emitted outward (looking like a glowing reflection). An example that you are probably familiar with is a white T-shirt under a black light.
Bioluminescence is when an organism can create their own light without the need to absorb it first. The chemical that allows them to do this is called luciferin. When the enzyme luciferASE (ASE usually indicates enzymatic properties) becomes activated, it breaks down luciferin which results in a natural "glow." An example of this phenomenon would be lightning bugs!
I visited a naturally occurring bioluminescent lake to check out this natural glow. The lake is full of bioluminescent microorganisms. When the water is disturbed, they become "agitated" and the end result is a beautiful blue/green glowing hue. You can hear my heavy breathing as I'm treading water and talking. I had to move vigorously enough to disturb the water to achieve the bright glow that you see (it's not as easy as it looks). I definitely got my cardio in on this one!
Bonus Fun Fact: when you get out of the water your skin sparkles in the dark for a few seconds. How cool is that

Monday, November 18, 2019

Today's lesson in science...and don't you ever let someone tell you otherwise!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Baltimore Book Festival 2015

Hello Kids, Cats & Elephants!

It's been awhile, but Noa's back! We'll be at the Baltimore Book Festival this Sunday
September 27, 2015. Come see us in the Author's tent. Bring your parents and pick up a copy of "Noa The Little Scientist."

Baltimore Book Festival 2014:

Speakers Circle

Author's Tent

Autographing copies of the book

My friend made a looping video clip of our photo shoot last year. We had fun - check it out:

Author Shenell L.T. Bolden video clip



Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Noa The Little Scientist is making her rounds in the book world! Parents, Teachers, and other School Officials can see the official Press Release here. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Book Summary:

Noa is your average elementary school kid. She likes school, she likes to learn and she loves to eat spaghetti! Noa's teacher Mrs. Campbell introduces her to science. Then, her whole world opens up. She becomes enthralled with science and how things work. Join her on her journey of discovery.